Thursday, September 8, 2011

locked and loaded

Faraday's loaded with color film for the first time in, oh, 6 months? Tomorrow I take in the color rolls shot with Maxwell and see how everything turned out.

Developed the first roll of film (B&W, of course) from Faraday since the repairs. I'm very happy to report there were no shutter issues.

  Tomorrow evening a local cigar shop is having a sort of shindig, which I will be attending with both Faraday and Maxwell. Hopefully no one will ash on them or spill anything on them; if this happens someone's getting a stogy to the eye. A lit stogy.

Wait, does anyone know what I'm talking about when I mention Faraday and Maxwell? Here, meet my staff:

There's also "Digi" the digital camera. It takes photos for me too.

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